Natural light, open windows and fresh flowers – Spring has finally arrived! Whilst pulling back the curtains certainly feels good, it’s safe to say that the sunshine often exposes a multitude of sins. Suddenly, the film of dust that has being quietly accumulating on your windowsill is now laid bare, and the clutter you said you’d deal with a month back is painstakingly on show. But don’t worry, we’ve all been there! Whether you’re reading this in spring, winter, summer or autumn, there’s no time like the present to give your humble abode the once over. In this article, we’re going to explain how you can easily tackle that all-important spring clean, from the tools you’ll need to the best room to start in. Let’s get into it!
Spring clean checklist – the supplies

Before we jump into the spring clean itself, you’ll first need to look at your cleaning inventory to ensure you have all the necessary equipment at hand. If you’re missing a couple of items, it’s worth taking a trip to the nearest supermarket to gather everything you’ll need before getting stuck in. To save time, we’ve compiled a handy list of the spring clean must-haves that will make the task at hand a whole lot easier.
- Cleaning agents: multipurpose, bathroom and glass are the three spring-cleaning staples.
- Washing up liquid: if you’re running low, pop this in your shopping basket to tackle dirty dishes (and any stray plates you find during your clean!).
- Furniture wipes: giving your sofas, upholstery and wood a bit of shine is the perfect finishing touch.
- Microfibers: from removing the smudges on your TV to wiping the last speck of dust on your coffee table, microfibers are an essential.
- Mop & bucket: whether you opt for a steam mop or special wipes, have something in your arsenal for muddy floors.
- Bin bags: and lots of them!
- Vacuum: a pre-requisite for any spring-cleaning mission.
- Air freshener: once you’ve finished scrubbing, a quick spray of your favourite scent will make your rejuvenated interior that much fresher.
Spring clean checklist – the preparation

Once you’ve gathered your tools, it’s time to consider your approach to cleaning day. Our three simple steps are guaranteed to point you in the right direction.
1) Find a free day in your calendar.
It’s worth booking a day or two off work or clearing your weekend schedule to ensure you have enough time to complete the task. As tempting as it is to clean in increments, we’d recommend devoting a full day to getting the job done and dusted in one swoop – you’ll thank us later!
2) Make a list.
Failing to prepare is preparing to fail, right? With this in mind, you can’t go wrong with getting out the pen and pad to structure your cleaning day. Writing down each room of your house in the order of messiest to tidiest helps prioritise areas of the home that are most in need of TLC. It also gives you a starting point, so you know exactly which space you’ll be approaching first. You could even create a schedule that tells you exactly what time of the day you’re going to tackle each room, for extra guidance. Whichever type of list you choose to write, this exercise is sure to give you clarity – and just think of how satisfied you’ll feel when you start ticking those boxes.
3) Plan a post-clean treat.
Whilst some people find cleaning therapeutic, others see it as the chore of all chores. Regardless of whether you love it or hate it, having a reward lined up is sure to give you motivation to make a start, and keep going! From a date night to your favourite takeaway, try to organise something ahead of time – this way, the day of your spring clean is something to look forward to, rather than dread.
Spring cleaning tips and tricks

So, you have your box of supplies, you’ve made a plan of action and you have a nice post-clean treat lined up – the day has arrived! To send you on your way, here are a couple of our top tips that are sure to make your spring-clean easier and even, dare we say it, enjoyable.
Crank up the tunes!
Thanks to the mood-boosting properties of music, spring-cleaning doesn’t have to be a necessary evil. Connect your Spotify to your smart speaker or dust down the vinyl to enjoy the sounds of your favourite artists. Not only will this make the day go quicker, but it also gives you an opportunity to sing your heart out (use the mop as mic, it works a treat!). Alternatively, you could use the time to listen to a podcast that you haven’t got round to or escape into an immersive audio book. Whatever your preference, music and entertaining listening will transform your spring-clean into an act of self-care.
Start with the messiest space first
Research shows that doing the hardest job first increases your chances of completing the task as a whole. So, if you’re living room needs more attention than other spaces, dive right in – this way, every other area in your house will feel like a cake walk in comparison.
Unless you live in a minimalist paradise, it’s safe to say that every home contains some degree of clutter. Old books, an empty McDonald’s cup under your bed or even a flip phone from the noughties – a spring-clean is the ideal time to get rid of anything that no longer serves you. Before you attempt the deep clean, start by bagging up anything that you don’t use. Recycling and selling your stuff online with Zapper is an eco-friendly way of revamping your space, and you could even make some quick cash as a result.
Label your bin bags
Plain white stickers or multi-coloured bin bags helps keep clutter in order – you may want to divide your old stuff into “recycled”, “to sell” or “to keep” categories. For example, if you can’t bring yourself to part with the first CD you ever bought, simply put it in the bag labelled “keepsakes” so it doesn’t get mixed up with the rest of your jumble.
Vacuuming & mopping – the final job
Decluttering gives you a clean state to work with, which is why it’s so important to tidy before you get the hoover out. There’s nothing worse than vacuuming or mopping only to spot some dusty books on a shelf that need to go – dirt on a freshly cleaned floor is nightmare! Save the hassle of having to repeat a job by leaving this one until the end.
Declutter for cash with Zapper
So, there you have it! We wish you the best of luck and hope this article has laid the groundwork for a seamless spring-clean. If you’re wondering what to do with all your clutter, why not sell it online with Zapper? With an instant valuation and a hassle-free postal process, you’ll have the money in your account in no time. Better yet, Zapper recycle everything that can’t be sold, giving peace of mind to you eco-conscious folk. So, head over to our homepage now to start trading today.